Using Dynamic Alerts, you can assign custom messages to parts that will be displayed as pop ups either when the user adds the part to…
Some variable parts are more complex than others. For those complex parts with many variables of different types, there is now a way to organize…
Did You Know you can communicate with users on a part or order level with the Conversations feature?
Part Conversations and Order Conversations are two new features that add a simple way for users to communicate back and forth about a particular part…
We’re pleased to introduce two new ways to proof variable products in Propago: Bulk proofing and 1:1 proofing are here! We’re adding bulk proofing to…
Any print part, personalized or static, can be given the option to order electronically. This is called eDelivery and it means when the user orders…
Shipment Boxes allow you to tell the system which parts will be grouped in a box when shipping. When multiple parts that are assigned to…
Open Storefront is a portal-wide setting that enables people without user accounts to enter the portal. Unlike other types of login methods, Open Storefront does…
Orders on the platform follow a workflow based on customer settings. The order status tells you where the order is in its workflow at a glance.…
Attributes allow you to add options to parts when users are ordering. Those options will be listed on the orderline. Unlike part configuration, parts attributes…
Screen Definitions are one of the tools you have to customize the look and feel of your portals. You can tailor the names of various…