Did You Know Dynamic Alerts allow you to add custom pop up alerts to parts?

web to print marketing portals

Using Dynamic Alerts, you can assign custom messages to parts that will be displayed as pop ups either when the user adds the part to their cart or when they click to checkout their cart.

Dynamic Alerts can be applied to an individual part or to all parts with a certain Item Type designation.

You can also turn off Dynamic Alerts on the user group level so certain user groups don’t see any Dynamic Alerts for parts.

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

Benefits to the Client

  • Put important information about a part into a popup to ensure that users see it before adding it to their cart or checking out.
  • Create pop ups with custom messages for all parts of an Item Type.

How It Works

To add a Dynamic Alert, go to the customer’s settings page in the back end. Portals / Select Customer / Settings.

  1. At the bottom of the settings page, turn on the Allow Dynamic Alerts option.
  2. Choose to show the Dynamic Alerts either when a user adds a part to the cart or when they try to check out.*
  3. Click Add Message and input the message text.
  4. Use the Item Types and Parts columns to assign this alert to Item Types, specific SKUs, or both.

*Note: Dynamic Alerts do not prevent users from adding parts to their cart or checking out.

To exclude a user group from seeing Dynamic Alerts:

  1. Go to the user group’s settings page. Portals / Select Customer / User Groups / Select User Group / Settings.
  2. Under the User Experience section, set the Disable Dynamic Alerts option to Yes.

If you have any questions or need support, you can contact our support team at: support@propago.com or 512-887-5847

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