Did You Know the Auto-Adjust Min Qty settings will adjust the thresholds for parts to trigger inventory alerts based on usage?

Auto Adjust Min Qty1 Based on Usage and Auto Adjust Min Qty2 Based on Usage are two new portal-level inventory settings. This feature makes it possible to automate the process of keeping inventory alert thresholds in line with actual demand.

These settings allow you to pick a time frame (30, 60, 90, or 180), and have the system check order volumes for all parts with minimum stock quantities set, and update those settings to better reflect recent usage trends.

The min stock qty attributes are used in conjunction with Buyer Groups to alert specific users via email when inventory drops below the threshold. Qty 2 is to be set higher than Qty 1 to act as an early warning of low inventory. Learn more about Buyer Groups.

Benefits to You

  • Automatically adjust minimum quantity thresholds for part inventory alerts.
  • Keep inventory alerts relevant to the actual recent demand and usage trends of parts.
  • Control how often the minimum quantity thresholds will be updated.

How It Works

To turn on Auto-Adjust Min Qty 1 & 2:

  1. In the back end, go to Portals / Select a Customer / Settings.
  2. Go to the Warehouse & Shipping Settings section.
  3. Find the settings called Auto Adjust Min Qty1 Based on Usage and Auto Adjust Min Qty2 Based on Usage.
  4. For each setting, use the dropdown menu to choose a timeframe, either 30, 60, 90, or 180 days. This is the timeframe that the system will use when calculating recent part usage and how often it will update the corresponding minimum quantity thresholds.

Note: Part-level minimum stock quantities can still be manually adjusted with this feature turned on. These settings are found by going to Part / Parts / Select a part / Basic Settings.

If you have any questions or need support, you can contact our support team at: support@propago.com or 512-887-5847

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