Did You Know front-end admins can manage Inclusion and Exclusion Tags?

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Users with front-end admin access can manage inclusion and exclusion tags for both users and parts directly from their respective details pages. This allows clients to add and remove inclusion/exclusion tags on-the-fly. There are a few limitations to managing tags on the front-end compared with the back-end functionalities:

  • There is no global tag management page on the front-end.
  • Inclusion and exclusion tags cannot be created on the front-end; admins can only add or remove existing tags.

Learn more about inclusion and exclusion tags:

Inclusion and Exclusion Tags
Add Inclusion/Exclusion Tags to Calendar Layers
Add Inclusion/Exclusion Tags to Digital Assets

Benefits to the Client

  • Enable clients to take advantage of the detailed show/hide control provided by inclusion and exclusion tags.
  • Use the search field when adding tags to quickly narrow the list of existing tags.

How It Works

To add or remove inclusion/exclusion tags from a part on the front-end:

  1. Go to Admin > Parts.
  2. Select a part to go to its Part Details page.
  3. On the right-hand side there are two sections labeled “Inclusion Tags” and “Exclusion Tags”.
  4. You can click on these labels to expand each section and see what inclusion and exclusion tags are currently on this part.
  5. Click the “Add” button to open the pop-up modal for adding tags.
  6. Select the tags you want to add. You can start typing into the search field to narrow the list of options.
  7. Click “Add Selected Tags”.
  8. Click the “Update” button in the upper right corner to save your changes.

The same steps apply for adding and removing tags on users by going to Admin > Users and going to a user’s details page.

If you have any questions or need support, contact our support team at support@propago.com.