Did You Know you can set personalized parts to warn users when their text is overflowing a field?

Text Overflow Warning is a new soft proof project-level setting. Turning it on will cause a pop-up to appear when users are personalizing a proof and input text that will overflow the text area.

This warning will not prevent the user from submitting the proof but will alert them that their text will be cut off if they don’t adjust it.

Benefits to the Client

  • If you have certain products that tend to require double-checking and re-proofing from approval managers because users don’t notice their text has been cut off, this alert can help prevent that.

How It Works

This is a soft proof project setting, so it will affect all parts that use the soft proof project. To turn on Text Overflow Warning:

  1. Go to Proofing / Soft Proof Projects / Select a soft proof project.
  2. In the list of settings on the right-hand side, find the Text Overflow Warning setting.
  3. Change the setting to “Yes”.
  4. Click Save.

Note: When you change the Text Overflow Warning setting to “Yes” a new field will appear on the left-hand side called Text Overflow Message. This allows you to customize what the alert will say. By default, the message reads: “Some of your variable information is overflowing the allocated space on the proof. Please carefully review your proof and adjust as needed.”

If you have any questions or need support, you can contact our support team at: support@propago.com or 512-887-5847

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