Did You Know users can duplicate personalized products in their cart?

With the Copy Customization feature you can allow users to duplicate order lines with personalized products in their cart. The Copy Customization button will copy the product and its personalized data into a new order line.

This means if a user needs to order two versions of a personalized product with slight differences between them, they can easily make a copy of one, edit the copy, and then checkout.  

Benefits to the Customer

  • Quickly order a few different versions of a personalized product by copying an order line and editing the proof.

How It Works

The Copy Customization feature is a part-level setting, meaning it must be turned on for each part that you want to make copyable.

  1. Go to Part / Parts and select the part you want to make copyable. It must be a part with a soft proofing project attached to it.
  2. In the Basic Settings section, find the setting called Allow Copy Customization.
  3. Set the setting to “Yes”.

On the front end, users will see a button called Copy Customization next to the Remove and Save for Later buttons of an order line that is a part with Copy Customization enabled.

If you have any questions or need support, you can contact our support team at: support@propago.com or 512-887-5847

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