Did You Know you can make global form variables non-editable or invisible to end users?

The global form settings “Editable” and “Visible” affect how end users can interact with the global profiles they’ve created on the portal.

If a global form variable is set to be visible but not editable, end users can see the variable but not change it when editing a profile.

If a global form variable is set to not be visible, end users won’t see the variable when editing a profile.

Front end admins can see and edit all variables regardless of the “Editable” and “Visible” settings. Even if an end user can’t see or edit a variable, that variable will still be used when they are proofing using that profile.

Benefits to the Client

  • Keep end users from changing logos or company data on their global profiles.
  • Add information to end users’ global profiles without crowding their view of what they can edit.

How It Works

Find the “Editable” and “Visible” settings in the back end by going to a global form’s page. Proofing / Global Forms / Select Global Form

Uncheck the “Editable” or “Visible” setting for a variable to make it non-editable or invisible to end users when they are editing the profile.

If you have any questions or need support, you can contact our support team at: support@propago.com or 512-887-5847

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