Did You Know there are multiple areas to add additional text to product browse pages?

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No two clients are the same, and not everyone wants to display information about their products in the same way. Several part-level text fields give clients flexible options for adding labels, calls to action, and additional information to products on the storefront. Let’s run through a few of these options:

Secondary Name: You can think of this as the “subtitle” or the “additional details” field. This text will appear directly below the Product Name on the product browse page

Call to Action: This text will appear in a banner along the bottom of the product thumbnail.

Comments: Users will see this text below the Add to Cart button when the user clicks to view the part details.

Proofing Comments: On the proofing page, users will see this text below the Personalize button.

Benefits to the Client

  • Flexible options for adding labels and calls to action to products on the storefront.
  • Give end users additional info about products before they proof or add to cart.

How It Works

All of the fields for adding text to product thumbnails and pages on the storefront can be found on the part details page in the back end.