How to Build the Perfect Sales Funnel

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What if you could know everything about your customers and build the perfect sales funnel.

What if you knew exactly who your customers are, what they want, their struggles and what content is interesting to them? And with that information, send them to customized landing pages and convert them into customers. What I mean is, get into your customers heads and echo back everything inside. Explain what their problems mean and how you can solve them.

Before you spend thousands of dollars on thorough market research, there is a better way to discover more about your customers and market to them. Play doctor for a second, what is the first thing doctors do to find out what is wrong with you and ultimately write a drug prescription? They ask you what your symptoms are, and with that information they recommend you treatments or maybe sell you on some therapy.

By asking the right questions the right way, you can get prospects to let you know everything about them. I’m talking about a series of surveys that give you key information about your prospects. Information about who they are, what their challenges are, what they are looking for and what information clicks. As weird and intrusive as this sounds, if done correctly, your prospects will be happy not only to contribute but ultimately become a customer.

The single biggest mistake you can make is assuming you know your customers and what they want. This is especially common with those who have been working at a certain industry for few years and embark on new projects, lunch a new product or spin off a new company. Assuming you know your market can cost you a great lost in sales and revenue. Everything from your messaging, positioning, selling proposition, keyword selection and ad words campaign can be conveying things customers do not need or care about.

Before we dive into the actual process on how to pick their brains, remember, the goal is to fine tune your customers’ demographics, segment them into different buckets based on what their needs are and customize marketing to generate more sales. Again, ask your customers the right questions, echo back solutions to their problems and close them in the way. This process is designed to determine what customers want, along with customized sales language based on those answers to get those customers to buy.

Let’s dive in.

Discovery Survey

This survey will help you know the exact demographics of your market, what their needs are and what they’re looking for.

If you have an existing subscriber list

Step 1: Write an email that goes out to your list that directs people to take your survey. Ask no more than 5 questions.

Make this email about them. This email should say something like, “please take 60 second and fill out the following survey as it will help me use this information to send your information that you want to know and is useful for you.”

Step 2: Set up the survey in a tool like Survey Gizmo or using Google forms. Capture data and download the data.

Step 3: Do the analysis to determine what bucket each response falls into, what the sub buckets are, and what percentage of your market is made up of various demographics elements that are of interest to you.

• The different buckets in your market
• What your target’s hot buttons are
• What their objections are
• What their biggest challenges are
• Demographic information

Create a landing page if you don’t have an existing list

Naturally this will take longer. Create a simple landing page that directs traffic to a well-designed and simple landing page.

This is a pre funnel landing page. The foundation of everything before your prospect enters your sales funnel. Since this is cold traffic, you need to offer visitor with something in exchange like a free report or a white paper. Once you have enough data analyze and create your buckets.

The Glorified Landing Page

The information you gather from the discovery survey should help you create the ultimate landing page. Every element on this landing page should be a reflection of what you discovered in the discovery survey. By the way, this landing page is part of your sales funnel. You are dealing with actual prospects.

Create a compelling idea that makes visitors want to know more. A self-discovery process that inspires curiosity. A promise to solve their challenges, problems, concerns. Explain why they should take the “bucket” survey (covered next).

The Bucket survey

The goal of this survey is to get visitors (organic or paid traffic) to take a “bucket” survey and provide their name and email address in exchange for a diagnosis, recommendations, or a customized solution you promised on the landing page.

When creating this survey, there are three categories of questions you want to think about.

• The first set of questions should be as simple as asking them their gender and age. The purpose is to get them going. Grease the wheels.
• The second set of questions should come from answers provided on the discovery survey. Focus on the challenges mentioned there and dig deeper.
• This third set of questions should be about their business. Business type, size, product and services, revenue, marketing challenges, etc…

The Sales Page

Once prospects complete the bucket survey they will land on the Sales page. On this page you are going to offer prospects with valuable education. You are playing doctor and you are explaining what their symptoms mean and how to solve a particular problem.

This education piece will transact into an offer. After you present your prospects with value added information, you are going to slide in a paid solution recommended based on what they told you on the survey.

The goal of this page is to generate a sale.

Rayn Levesque’s Ask formula break this process down. It’s a great read and you will want to start applying his formula right after finish the book.