Did You Know you can use the Purchase Order Workflow automatically apply purchase orders to SKUs when received?
Propago enables automatic association of purchase orders with SKUs, seamlessly applying the purchase order when the SKU is received into the system.
Easily create, edit, add parts, and submit purchase orders directly within the platform for a streamlined and convenient workflow.
Benefits to You
- Create and manage Purchase Orders with ease, including the ability to add SKUs, adjust pricing, and include shipment costs.
- Automatically apply purchase orders to SKUs upon receipt, simplifying inventory tracking and ensuring accurate record-keeping.
- The Purchasing Queue provides real-time insights into SKUs, including quantity on hand, demand, and open POs.
How It Works
To utilize purchase order functionalities in Propago:
- Create / Edit PO: Create a Purchase Order to use for SKUs to be received against.
- Go to Orders > Purchase Orders.
- Click to Create PO, input the necessary information and add the parts/SKUs to be assigned to the PO.
- To edit a PO, click the PO number and you’ll be able to add SKUs, edit pricing and add shipment cost.
- Set Up a Part to use the Purchase Order Workflow.
- When creating a new part set the option Purchase Workflow Part to “Yes”.
- You can optionally require the SKU to use a Purchase Order for receipt into inventory by selecting “Yes” for the Purchase Order Required option.
- These options are both found in the Workflow Options section of a part’s details page.
- Receive with a Purchase Order.
- Go to Warehouse / Inventory Transactions and the Receive Inventory section.
- Input the required fields and click “Receive”.
- The popup window will ask you to select the PO to apply to this receipt.
- When the Purchase Order Required option for a part is not opted, you will have the option to receive the inventory without selecting a purchase order.
- Track Purchase Orders.
- Go to Orders > Purchase Orders.
- Click into any PO number and you will see information about the PO including:
- The Quantity ordered
- Received amount, price
- Quantity available
- Shipment cost
- Order totals.
You can also search for SKUs in the Purchasing Queue (Production > Purchasing Queue) to view all purchase orders associated with that SKU. The Purchasing Queue provides a detailed overview of part quantities on hand, product demand, and open POs. It automatically calculates the required stock to meet demand based on historical usage data.