Did you know Propago has forecasting that allows you to better manage and produce your clients’ products?

Warehouse Pick Pack

What if you and your clients could predict order demand month over month?

With Propago’s forecasting feature, you can monitor product usage and order demand to make informed production plans and smarter purchasing decisions.

These forecasting features are much more than just minimum inventory alerts, the algorithms are also looking at lead-times and velocities over different periods for the ultimate planning forecast.

Benefit to you

  • Determine whether to run jobs digitally vs offset, or print-on-demand vs taking an inventory position
  • Manage the warehouse and production floor more diligently
  • Gain demand insight on outside vendors’ products and determine if bringing these products in-house makes sense.

Benefit to your clients

  • More competitive pricing by producing products more efficiently
  • Allow the ability to sunset or deactivate products that are not being ordered
  • Allocate spending more effectively

Create stronger partnerships with your clients by producing their products in the most efficient and economical way while also creating greater opportunities for margin growth for you. Leverage the ability to forecast demand to help your clients decide when and what products need to get discontinued, which ones can be procured more efficiently, and when to buy in bulk.

The ability to forecast demand also allows you to run a smarter operation. Help your team decide when and how to produce demand. For example, decide when to go offset and when to go digital, when to run inventory (high demand products) and when to produce them on demand (low demand products).