Did You Know you can group multiple parts to aggregate together for part limits?

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You can now create two types of part aggregate groups: quantity aggregates and price aggregates.

On the Propago Platform, an aggregate is a designated grouping of parts that essentially says to the system, “Count the quantities of these parts as if they were the same SKU when calculating either volume-based price discounts or part order limits.”

Aggregates can be useful for bundling products that are similar enough that it would make sense to count them together for pricing discounts or part limit calculations.

For example, if you have 2 promotional t-shirts on your store that differ only in color and your client doesn’t want a user group ordering more than 100 of either shirt every 90 days, you could either set a 50 qty. part limit for both shirts, or a 100 qty. limit and aggregate the two shirts together. The flexibility of the second option is that a user could place an order for 75 shirts of one color and 25 of the other.

The newly added part limit aggregates will look at both aggregated parts in the user’s current cart and their order history to determine if the limit has been reached.

To learn more about pricing aggregates, click here.

Benefits to the Client

  • Greater flexibility in setting part limits for users and user groups.
  • Count the quantities of different SKUs of similar products as one for the purpose of part limits.
  • Easily add new parts to an existing part limit aggregate when new variations of the product are created.

How It Works

To set up a part limit aggregate group:

  • In the back end, go to Portals and select a customer.
  • On the far right of the customer menu, click Aggregates to go to the aggregates page.
  • Click Add Aggregate.
  • This aggregate group a name, optionally a description, and choose Quantity from the Type dropdown.
  • Click Save.

To add parts to the part limit aggregate:

  • Click into the aggregate you just created.
  • Go to parts in the left-hand menu.
  • Click Add Parts.
  • Search for and add the parts you want to be aggregated together for part limits.

Now, when you set a part limit on a user or a user group for any parts in this aggregate, the system will look at all quantities of these aggregated parts, both in the cart and in order history, to determine if the limit has been met for this interval. If it has, the order won’t go through, and the user will be alerted that the limit has been reached.

If you have any questions or need support, you can contact our support team at: support@propago.com

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