Did You Know Service Parts bypass shipment and production workflows?

web to print marketing portals

Service Part is a setting that you can use for items that don’t require production or shipment but that your client wants to track and run reports on.

An example of this might be gift cards that might be procured and handled by some other entity. When the order is submitted, orderlines for parts with this setting will automatically be closed.

Benefits to the Client

  • Trace and report on the usage of items that are outside the supply chain flow of your marketing portal.

How It Works

To make an item a Service Part:

  • In the back end, go to Part / Parts / Select the part.
  • In the Workflow Options section of the Basic Information page, find the Service Part option.
  • Set Service Part to “Yes”.
  • Click Save.

This part will be orderable like any other but orderliness for this part will be automatically closed after ordering.

If you have any questions or need support, you can contact our support team at: support@propago.com or 512.522.2883

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