Did You Know you can add comments to Purchase Orders?

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The comment field found on the purchase order details page gives you a place to leave notes about a specific purchase order for future reference.

This comment field is also linked to the front-end Inventory Management feature. Front-end admins can create purchase orders on the Inventory Management page and add a comment to the purchase order. This comment will show in the purchase order details in the back end.

Benefits to You

  • Add notes about a purchase order to the details page.
  • See comments about a purchase order placed on the front end Inventory Management page.

How It Works

To add a comment to a purchase order through the back end:

  • Go to Orders / Purchase Orders / Select a PO.
  • Add a comment in the PO Comments field.
  • Click Save Comments.

Front end admins can create a PO and add a comment by doing the following:

  • Go to Admin / Inventory Management.
  • Search for the product you want to create a purchase order for.
  • Click the mail box icon to the right of the Files column.
  • Input Purchase Order information, including optional comments.
  • Click Create PO.

If you have any questions or need support, you can contact our support team at: support@propago.com or 512.522.2883

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