Did You Know you can require a part to be received with a purchase order?
Propago’s purchase order workflow has the functionality to automatically associate purchase orders with a SKU and apply that purchase order when the SKU has been received into the system.
In addition, the Purchase Order Required options allows you to limit a part to only being received with a purchase order.
Benefits to You
- Force a SKU to require a purchase order in order to be received into inventory.
How It Works
First, make sure the part is set to be able to receive with a purchase order.
- Go to Part / Parts / Select a Part.
- Find the option called Purchase Workflow Part in the Workflow Options section.
- Set it to “Yes” and click Save.
To force the SKU to use a purchase order for receipt into inventory, select “Yes” for the Purchase Order Required option in the Workflow Options section.
See the following article for more information about how to use the Purchase Order Workflow:
Propago Knowledge Base: Purchase Order Workflow
If you have any questions or need support, you can contact our support team at: support@propago.com or 512-887-5847
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