Did You Know: Flat Fee Attributes vs. Line Charge Attributes
Attributes are options you can add to parts that don’t require creating different SKUs. For example, a promotional thumb drive could come in 8GB and 16GB versions and you could use attributes to allow users to choose a version.
You can add costs to attributes as well. Going with the previous example, you could make choosing the 16GB version add a $5 charge. These attribute costs come in two types: Flat Fee and Line Charge.
Flat Fee: The additional cost applies just once to the order line regardless of the quantity. Ex. If you order 10 16GB thumb drives there would be a $5 surcharge added to the order line.
Line Charge: The additional cost is applied per quantity. Ex. if you order 10 16GB thumb drives, each would have a $5 surcharge for a total $50 added to the order line.
Benefits to the Customer
- The flexibility to choose whether products with attributes should apply their costs per quantity or per order line.
How It Works
The Attributes tab in a part’s settings is where you add attributes and choose their cost type.
See how to set up attributes here.
To change an attribute’s cost type:
- Go to Part / Parts and then select the part with attributes you want to change.
- Select the Attributes tab.
- Use the Cost Type column to choose Line Charge or Flat Fee for each attribute.
If you have any questions or need support, you can contact our support team at: support@propago.com or 512-887-5847
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