Did You Know Pocket Folder kits give users control over the arrangement of kit components?

We’re excited to introduce a new kit type: Pocket Folders! Pocket Folders allow users to customize how components are arranged in a kit, giving them more control over the final product layout.

Pocket Folder kits feature Left Side and Right Side panels, giving users the ability to determine where each item should be placed, including the sort order within each panel—just like organizing materials in a physical folder. Additionally, users can include extra components in an Other Items section.

Once ordered, the system will retain the Left/Right arrangement and sort order of components in a Pocket Folder throughout the order cycle. These details will be in the kitting instructions on pick sheets. See example below:

Benefits to the Client

• Gives users control over the physical arrangement of items in a kit.

  • The system retains the Left/Right placement and sort order with instructions on pick sheets for fulfillment.
  • Other Items section allows users to include items outside of the Pocket Folder with the kit order.

How It Works

To create a Pocket Folder kit:

  1. In the back-end, go to Part > Part Kits.
  2. Click “Add”.
  3. Select Pocket Folder from the Kit Type dropdown list.
  4. Add the kit to a part category.
  5. Go to the Parts In Kit tab and add the kit components.
  6. Choose which location each part will appear initially when the user loads the kit: Left, Right, or Other Items. 
  7. Parts will be sorted alphabetically by default but you can use the Rank column to customize the order in which the items will appear.
  8. Like with Build a Kits, you can configure whether parts in the kit are required or not and whether they are editable or not.

When ordering a Pocket Folder kit, users can drag and drop available items to customize which section each item is in and in what order. Unwanted items that have not been set as required can be removed from the kit by clicking the “x” button.

If you have any questions or need support, contact our support team at support@propago.com.