Did You Know you can now create part limits with 2 year time frames?

New Part Limit option: Time Frame = “2 Years”
Part Limits allow you to set controls on the number of individual products that users and user groups can order within a time frame. We have added a new time frame option to part limits: “2 Years”. This means you can restrict the total quantity of a part that can be ordered over a 2 year (730 days) time period.
This new time frame option can be used anywhere that part limits can be controlled, including both the back-end user, user group, and part pages as well as the front-end admin part maintenance and user maintenance pages.
Benefits to the Client
- Set a limit on product quantities users or user groups can order over a two-year period.
- More options for setting granular part limits that ensure consistent long-term order control.
How It Works
When creating or editing a part limit, choose “2 Years” as the Time Frame. The users and/or user groups assigned to the part limit will be restricted from ordering more than the set quantity, with the limit resetting every 730 days.
On the back-end, find Part Limits by going to Portals > Select Customer > Users > Select User > Part Limits or Portals > Select Customer > User Groups > Select User Group > Part Limits.
On the front-end, find Part Limits by going to Admin > Parts > User Product Limits or Admin > Users > Product Limits.