Did You Know the kit details view has been improved with a collapsible parts list?
When viewing the details of a part kit on the front-end, the list of parts contained in the kit is now collapsible. It is collapsed by default and can be expanded by clicking the “See Parts In Kit” button.
These user experience enhancements apply to Bundles, Regular Kits, and Dynamic Kits.
Benefits to the Client
- Improved user experience when viewing kit details.
- Easily access the information needed when reviewing kit contents from the browse page.
- With the “Parts In Kit” list collapsed by default, it’s easier to quickly view descriptions and details, especially for kits with large part lists.
How It Works
On the front-end, clicking on the name or thumbnail of a kit opens the details view. The new “See Parts In Kit” button is now available alongside the existing “See Inventory” button.
Clicking “See Inventory” displays information like Quantity Available, Quantity On Hand, and Location for the parts in the kit. Users can click the “Back to Part Details” button to return to the main kit details view.