Did You Know you can enable Serialization on a part to require serial numbers to be captured before shipment?

Serialization is a part-level option that, when enabled, requires one or more serial numbers to be captured when picking the part for an order. You can set the number of serial numbers needed per pick, ranging from 1 to 5.

When Serialization is enabled for a part, warehouse personnel must enter valid serial numbers whenever they pick that part for an order. You can also import serial numbers for pending orders in bulk via the Service APIs page: Import Serial Numbers in Bulk

Benefits to You

  • Support serialization for clients with products such as software that require serial numbers.
  • Export a list of all pending serial number data.
  • Input serial numbers individually when picking or in bulk.

How It Works

To enable Serialization for a part:

  1. On the back-end, go to Part > Parts and select a part.
  2. On the Basic Information page, scroll down to the Workflow Options section.
  3. Find the option called “Serialization”.
  4. From the dropdown list, select how many serial numbers you want to require to be captured when the product is picked.
  5. Click “Save”.

If you have any questions or need support, contact our support team at support@propago.com.