Did You Know you can enforce a character limit on shipping addresses during checkout?

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New portal-setting: Limit Shipping Details to 35 Characters

There is a new optional portal-level setting that you can use to restrict the Address Line 1 field of shipping addresses to 35 characters or less.

This limit is applied to the Address Line 1 field during checkout, not to addresses in the Address Book or on a user’s profile. This means that if a user’s default shipping address, or an address they choose from the Address Book, is more than 35 characters then a message will appear alerting them that their input is over the limit. The user will need to reduce Address Line 1 to 35 characters or less to continue with checkout.

If the user fills out Address Line 1 manually, they won’t be able to input more than 35 characters. Note: This character restriction only applies to the shipping address, not the billing address.

Benefits to You

  • Prevent shipping address details from being cut off or running into character limits set by carriers. 
  • Limit the character length of shipping address details during checkout, regardless of whether a user pulls an address from the Address Book, their profile, or enters one manually.

How It Works

This shipping address character limit setting is a portal-level setting that can be turned on by:

  1. Go to Portals / Select a Customer / Settings.
  2. In the User Experience section, find the setting called “Limit Shipping Details to 35 Characters”.
  3. Set to “Yes”.
  4. Click “Save”.

If you have any questions or need support, contact our support team at support@propago.com.