Did You Know dynamic report filters can be used to filter a report based on the info of the user viewing the report?

Dynamic report filters are new filtering options in reports that will dynamically narrow the results based on the profile information of the user viewing the report. 

You can apply a dynamic filter by selecting the new option “Is Dynamic” in the “Expression” dropdown of a report filter. This new filter option is currently supported in Username, User Group, and Buyer Group filters.

What this means is that you can, for example, open a report on Orders, add a User Group filter, and choose “Is Dynamic” as the expression. This will limit the results to orders placed by users in your user group. 

Importantly, this filter will dynamically adjust depending on which logged in user is viewing the report. This includes when a report is shared with another user. And, when a front end admin shares a report with a dynamic filter, the receiving user will not be able to see or remove that dynamic filter. 

Learn more about sharing reports.

Dynamic Filters by Filter Type

  • Username – Dynamically filters the report by activity made by the logged in user.
  • User Group – Dynamically filters the report by activity made by the logged in user’s user group.
  • Buyer Group – Dynamically filters the report by parts that have been added to the logged in user’s buyer group. 

Benefits to the Client

  • Create dynamic reports that filter results based on the logged in user’s information.
  • Easily create and share reports that are limited to results relevant to the user, based on their username, user group, or buyer group.
  • Shared reports with dynamic filters applied will not show the dynamic filter to the receiving user and they cannot remove the filter.

How It Works

 To apply a dynamic filter to a report:

  • On the front end, go to Admin / Reporting. 
  • Select the report you want to apply a dynamic filter to. 
  • Click Edit Filter.
  • Choose from the Report Columns dropdown one of the three dynamic filter compatible options: Username, User Group, or Buyer Group.
  • Click Add.
  • In the Expression dropdown, scroll down and choose “Is Dynamic”. 
  • Click Apply Filter.

This will filter the report to only show results from either your user account, users within your user group, or (for part reports), parts that are in your buyer group. This will dynamically change based on whichever logged in user is viewing the report. And if the report is shared with a non-admin user, they will not be able to see or change the dynamic filter applied to the report. 

If you have any questions or need support, contact our support team at support@propago.com.