Did You Know: Propago Web Hooks

Web Hooks are an alternative to APIs that Propago provides as a data connector service.
For those that want a flexible and potentially more efficient means of receiving data from their Propago site, we encourage you to explore the possibilities of our Web Hook system.
At a high-level, web hooks involve a “subscription” to a specific trigger event type that is pushed from our end when “triggered”. This contrasts to the processes involved in API calls, in which requests are made from the data receiver’s end and are answered whether there is relevant updates or not.
Web hooks give you control over what TYPE of event you want updates on, whether you want a SIMPLE or DETAILED version of those event logs, and what companies (portals) you want to include for each web hook.
Benefits to You
- Alternative to Service APIs as a flexible and efficient method of data connection.
- Many event types with options for simple or detailed versions of event logs (orders, inventory transaction, new parts, etc.)
- Receive data only when relevant updates are triggered for your web hook subscriptions.
How It Works
Each web hook you set up will have it’s own Target URL that will serve as the “endpoint” where event data is sent each time the event type is triggered.
Approximately every 5 minutes, the system will transmit event logs based on the web hook subscriptions you have set up. This 5 minute rolling window also means that you won’t receive multiple logs for multiple instances of the same event type unnecessarily (for example, order status changing on an order three times within two minutes will trigger a single event log rather than three).
To set up a web hook on your Propago site:
- Go to Tools / Data Connectors.
- Click Add New Connector.
- For Data Provider Type, select Web Hook.
- For Data Provider, select Trigger Subscription.
- Use the Companies field to select which company portals you want to include in this web hook OR set the last setting, “Transmit All Companies”, to “True” to include all companies.
- Give the Connector a name and set “Active” to “Yes”.
- Choose a Trigger Event Type.
- Input the Target URL. This is the endpoint where event data will be sent from the web hook.
- Note: You can use the “Test Mode” to test the web hook and see what the data will look like when it is triggered. To do this:
- Make sure “Is Test Mode” is set to “Yes”.
- Input a target URL in the Test Target URL field.
- Choose the Trigger Event Type you want to test.
- Click the Sample Data button.
- When you are done testing and ready to turn the web hook on, set “Is Test Mode” to “No” and click Save Connector Details.
- Click Save Connector Details.

If you have any questions about web hooks, about the recent changes to Propago’s APIs, or anything else, reach out to us at support@propago.com.