Did You Know you can set a Credit Card Processing Fee for a portal?
Add a percentage surcharge to every order completed with a credit card. Credit Card Processing Fee is a new optional portal-level setting that will apply a surcharge to orders when users check out with a credit card.
You can specify the percentage surcharge that will be applied as a processing fee for credit cards. Users will see this charge listed in the Pricing Summary during check out in a line item called “Processing Fee”.
Benefits to You
- Add a processing surcharge to orders paid via credit card on a portal.
- Specify a percentage for the credit card processing fee via the portal details page.
How It Works
To set a credit card processing fee for all orders paid for with a credit card:
- Go to Portals / Select a Customer / Basic Information.
- Find the setting called “Credit Card Processing Fee %”.
- Input a percentage amount to add as a surcharge on order totals.
- Click Save.
If you have any questions or need support, you can contact our support team at: support@propago.com or 512-887-5847
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