Did You Know there is a portal-wide setting to hide Fixed Asset alerts?

Fixed Assets are a special type of part that enables your clients to manage the booking of client-owned goods like furniture and monitors. By default, when a user has a fixed asset due to be returned, an alert will pop up when they enter their portal.
The new setting “Hide Fixed Asset Alert” will suppress these pop ups from showing for all users of a customer.
Click to read more about Fixed Assets.
Benefits to the Client
- Hide the Fixed Asset alert that shows upon login when a user has a Fixed asset due.
- Turn on and off the Fixed Asset alert for all users of a portal, per client.
How It Works
By default, the Fixed Asset alert is active. To turn off these pop ups for a client, change the setting “Hide Fixed Asset Alert” to “Yes.” This setting can be found in the Configure Alerts section by going to Portals / Select a Customer / Settings.

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