Did You Know users can add products to their “Favorites” page for quick access?

Users can click on the “heart” icon located under every product to save products under their “Favorites” page. The “heart” icon changes color when products are set as a favorite product so users can see which products they have already favorited when browsing.

This is a useful tool for users that re-order the same products a lot. Instead of searching and adding products to their cart one by one, end users can go to their “Favorites” page and find them all there.
Benefits to the Client
- Bring all favorite products under the same page and reorder them quicker.
- Eliminate the need to search for frequently ordered products one by one.
How It Works
Favoriting products is as simple as clicking the “heart” icon found beneath the order button of each product on the portal.
Users can see all of their favorited products by going to Account / Favorites.
Note: Users can click the “heart” icon of a favorited product to remove the product from their favorites. Note: You can turn off access to the “Favorites” page for a user or user group in the back end by going to Portals / Select a Customer / Users or User Groups / Basic Information. Then go to the Account Pages section and uncheck the Favorites option.

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