Did You Know you can use payment method as an approval trigger?

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Payment Type is a newly added approval trigger type. You can add this new approval trigger to an approval workflow to cause an approval when users place an order with a purchase order, deferred billing, or a credit card.

In addition, we have added the ability for approvers to edit the payment type for an order. For example, you can set up an approval workflow so that when a user places an order using deferred billing, an approval can be triggered. Then the approver can decide to change the order payment type to credit card or purchase order.

Note: Approvers cannot change the payment type if the order was originally placed using a credit card.

Benefits to the Client

  • Create approval workflows that use payment type as a trigger.
  • Approvers can change payment type at the approval stage.

How It Works

The new approval trigger can be added to approval workflows by doing the following:

  • In the back-end, go to Portals / Select a Portal / Approval Workflows.
  • Click into a workflow or create a new one.
  • Click into a Trigger Group or create a new one.
  • Click Add Rule.
  • Select Payment Type as the Approval Type.
  • Select either Credit Card, Deferred, or Purchase Order as the trigger.

From there, you can set up your approval workflow as needed. For more on setting up approval workflows see the following Knowledge Base article:

Order Approval Workflows

If you have any questions or need support, you can contact our support team at: support@propago.com or 512-887-5847

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