Did You Know you can make any part exempt from shipping, tax, or fulfillment charges?

With user groups you can determine what taxes, shipping options, and fulfillment charges (if any) apply to different users. But, if you need to make a particular part or parts exempt from these charges, you can do so with 3 part-level settings: Shipping Exempt, Tax Exempt, and Fulfill Exempt.
Benefits to You
- Easily exempt certain parts from shipping, tax, and fulfillment charges with part-level settings.
How It Works
All 3 of these part-level settings are found on a part’s details page under Basic Settings.
Is Shipping Exempt: Shipping cost will not apply to this part when this setting is set to Yes.
Tax Exempt: This part will not be included in the tax calculations for orders when this setting is set to Yes.
Fulfill Exempt: The customer-level fulfillment charges will not be applied to this part when this setting is set to Yes.