Did you know your clients can override default text, labels and names on their storefront with any text they want?


We understand organizations have their own lingo. Maybe instead of “Cart” one of your clients want to call it “Your Bag”.

If your clients want to change the default text on the main menu bar, grids, cart or anywhere else in their storefront, they can. They can also replace all default text with text in another language.

 Benefits to your clients

  • Ability to change default storefront text with any desired text
  • Change defaulted language to another language
  • Name anything however makes best sense to your organization

How it works

Using a master spreadsheet, your clients replace defaulted text with desired text. They can change all of it or some of it. They upload the spreadsheet to the system and new text will override defaulted text.

If your clients want to apply a new language, they would need to translate the entire spreadsheet to the desire language and upload it to the system to override the default language.

We understand organizations have their own lingo.  That is why Propago allows your clients to rename storefront elements and provide a united user experience that sounds and resonates with  your organization’s personality and tone.